For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18

The cross of Jesus is the center of the salvation story. But it is also more than that. It is also "the power of God" and the "wisdom of God" (1 Cor.1:24). It is at the cross that we learn how to live by faith in our crucified Christ and are strengthened for that very thing. Each service will cover a different aspect of life and faith as we are "Guided to..."

"Forgiveness" Ash Wednesday, February 14 When we confess our sins, we find forgiveness in the cross of Christ and are empowered to forgive others.

"Hope" Wednesday, February 21 When we are uncertain about what the future holds, we discover in the cross the sure hope of the steadfast love of God.

"Love" Wednesday, February 28 When we are separated from others and from God by our sin, the cross brings us together through its love.

"Peace" Wednesday, March 6 With wars waging within and without, the cross settles them all with peace to body, mind and soul.

"Trust" Wednesday, March 13 Plagued by doubt and competing voices, we turn to the cross to put our trust fully in the salvation won for us there.

"Perseverance" Wednesday, March 20 When we are faced with hardship, we look to Christ on the cross who endured to the end so that we might carry on.

"Humility" Sunday, March 24 Just as Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a humble donkey,  we are carried by humility to the cross to receive exaltation. 

"Service" Thursday, March 28 With water and basin and wine and bread, Jesus shows that he is a servant who gives his all for us, even death on the cross.

"Sacrifice" Friday, March 29 Jesus took our place on the cross, offering himself for us that we might offer ourselves as living sacrifices to him.

"New Life" Sunday, March 31 The empty tomb reveals the power of the crucified Christ to break through the bonds of death to live again that we might live forever.
