Greetings and peace from your friends at St. Johns Lutheran Church! We pray that your visit here will be a blessing and that through it you might come to know know us a little better. To that end, permit us to take a moment to both introduce you to St. Johns and invite you to join us.
Located just west of Park Rapids, Minnesota on Highway 34, St. Johns is a congregation gathered by Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit around His saving Word and life-giving Sacraments. As a faithful congregation of the Minnesota North District of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, we joyfully hold to the teachings of the Scriptures as they are confessed in the Lutheran Confessions.
St. Johns is a caring congregation of conservative Lutherans who have received grace and every blessing from our Savior. We preach Christ crucified at St. Johns. We are joyous in our living, traditional in our worship, Biblical and confessional in our teaching, active in our youth work, and called to mission in our outreach. We believe in Jesus at St. Johns and the salvation that is found in His name.
What does that look like? Our worship is historic and liturgical, meaningful and life-changing. Our music program is joyous and inspiring. Our preaching is gospel preaching–full of the good news about Jesus and the salvation that is found in His name. As well, we offer an ABC Preschool for 3-5 year olds, youth programs, adult Bible classes, women’s and men's groups, choirs for adults and children, and many other opportunities for service.
If you're searching for a church home or if you would simply like to hear more about Jesus, join us at St. Johns as a guest on Sunday morning. Our services begin at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. and you will be warmly welcomed when you arrive. Ushers will be available to assist you or answer any questions you may have.
If you have any questions, feel free to call the church office, email one of the pastors, or stop in any time. The peace of the Lord be with you.