Here are some other online devotions and worship services.
Bring It Home - Together We Pray. This is daily devotions from MN North District staff.
Main Street Living - North. This is a weekly worship service produced by MN North and North Dakota Districts. You can also choose  other locations such as Duluth, Twin Cities, Lincoln. Main Street Living is also broadcast at 9:00 am Sunday on KVRR for Arvig cable  and WFTC from the Twin Cities.
Concordia Publishing House has a number of free resources from devotions to music, children to adults. The Lutheran Calendar has devotions based on the church year. has a diverse number of resources including blogs, audio podcasts, and academic courses you can register for for free. A couple of resources from the site are linked below
Hidden Streams a Lenten devotion on some of the Psalms. Devotions and a song setting of the Psalm
Articles by Chad Bird. Book club has read two of his books this year.
Virtue in the Wasteland is a podcast about culture, religion, and ethics.Â
Lutheran Hour Ministries provides worship services and devotional materials. They even have an app you can download