Children's Resources

Other links for devotions and coloring pages:

My Devotions for March-May, 2020

New Testament Coloring Pages 

Easter Postcard Coloring Sheets (more detailed)

Illustrated Ministry is offering some free materials (not LCMS) which includes devotions, different level coloring pages and activities:

Lent-5     Palm Sunday

Easter Pack Easter 3   Easter 4

Easter 5   Easter 6

Creative Communications has offered a couple of things as well:

Easter Journey children's bulletin.


Sunday School

Palm Sunday Map Pack



Holy Week

This story is a retelling of Jesus' parable at the end of the Sermon on the Mount. It encourages us to not just listen to what Jesus says, but also to do it. Parents, here is an interesting video commentary on this story for you.

This video was recorded for ABC Preschool, but I thought I'd post it here for our kiddos.
